The Salvation of all Israel is guaranteed by God.

“Peter remembered and said to Jesus, Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered! Have faith in God, Jesus answered. Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, Go, throw yourself into the sea, and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.” (Mark 11:21-24)

In the above passage the fig tree represents Israel as the context suggests. Peter was concerned about why Jesus had cursed Israel (represented by the fig tree) and it had withered. Jesus simply told Peter to have faith in God. Peter was aware of God's promises of the Deliverance and Salvation of Israel but he had yet to learn that that Salvation would involve the death and resurrection of the Messiah as well as the death and resurrection of all those who were alive at that time. Jesus had instructed Peter and the other Jewish disciples to pray as follows:

“...thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven...” (Matthew 6:9-13)

So Jesus cursing the fig tree was simply telling Peter that what they had been instructed to pray for (the Kingdom to come on this earth) will not come until Israel had first withered. Nevertheless, they could "believe" that what God promises "will be done", even if it is for a mountain to throw itself into the sea.

After his resurrection Jesus spent 40 days instructing his Jewish followers about the Kingdom to be established upon his return to earth and it was this earthly Kingdom which was on the minds of the Jewish disciples right up until Jesus ascended into the heavens....

“He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the Kingdom of God...So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, Lord, is it at this time you are RESTORING THE KINGDOM TO ISRAEL? He said to them, it is not for you to know times or epochs which the Father has fixed by His own authority...And after He had said these things, He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. And as they were gazing intently into the sky while He was going, behold, two men in white clothing stood beside them. They also said, Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking into the sky? This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into heaven.” (Acts 1:6-11)

They went back to Jerusalem, 10 days later were filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to tell all their Jews that Jesus was the Messiah, had been raised from the dead, and he had promised to return again to establish the Kingdom. Many years later they became concerned about why Jesus had not yet returned and many had been scattered all over the Roman Empire. Paul wrote to encourage them...

”For I do not want you, brethren, to be uninformed of this mystery-that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; and so ALL Israel will be saved; just as it is written, the Deliverer will come from Zion, he will remove ungodliness from Jacob. This is my covenant with them, when I take away their sins..."  (Roman 11:25-32)

Israel's salvation will occur when Jesus returns, raises the dead, and establishes the Jewish Kingdom on earth which Revelation tells us will last 1000 years. The fig tree that Jesus temporarily cursed...will blossom again!

“Now learn the parable from the FIG TREE: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near; so, you too, when you see all these things, recognize that He is near, right at the door. Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place...Though the fig tree should not blossom...yet I will exult in the LORD, I will rejoice in the God of my salvation..." (Matthew 24:33-34; Habakkuk 3:17-18)

This is NOT rocket science, it is the clear teaching of the Bible. If you have not been taught about this in the church you attend, you can read it for yourself.

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