Unashamed Random Thoughts

“Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

“We must humbly acknowledge that even those writings that we deem our best and most faithful efforts are ones which still we wish were better. On rare occasions, due to some hindrance or inadvertency of circumstance, a statement may have appeared within our pages which was not in accord even with our own findings, which findings themselves, even at their best, are never infallible.” James R. Coram, Unsearchable Riches, Vol. 96.

I feel the same way about my “random thoughts”. I am not trying to say I am always correct, just letting my thoughts flow onto the pages of this blog. What I say is genuinely what I believe at the time I write…but I reserve the right to change them as my ongoing study of the Bible may require for me to be “unashamed” at the coming of the Lord.

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