"Yet now, in Christ Jesus, you, who once are far off, are become near by the blood of Christ...that He should be creating... in Himself...one new humanity, making peace...reconciling...in one body to God through the cross...And, coming, He brings the evangel of peace to you, those afar, and peace to those near...for through Him we...have had the access, in one spirit, to the Father. Consequently, then...you belong to God's family, being built on...Christ Jesus Himself..." (Ephesians 2:13-21)

Paul is addressing everyone who is not an Israelite.  They are called in Scripture "Gentiles". He clearly says that through the blood of Christ ALL are now "one new humanity" and have access to God our Father because we ALL, both Jew and Gentile, belong to God's family.

Even thou ALL are mankind are part of God's family...some admittedly are evil jerks and losers. Nevertheless, in time God will complete us all in Christ Jesus as a new creation...in His image. So be patient for God is not finished with any of us yet...even the jerks and losers.

"For even as, in Adam, all are dying, thus also, in Christ, shall all be vivified.Yet each in his own class...For He must be reigning until He should be placing all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy is being abolished: death...that God may be All in all." (1Corinthians 15:22-28)

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