
"unless you eat my flesh and drink my blood..." (John 6:26-71)

That is gross. I know there are some pious types who have come up with reasons for it not to be gross, but it's Cannibalism, pure and simple. And Jesus said it, not to draw religious people to him, but to drive them away. He does not need you to defend his statement. He said it in the synagogue in Capernaum, and as a result many stopped following him around. They were only following him in the first place because they were being entertained by his miracles, getting free food, and being healed from their sicknesses. With this bold statement, Jesus got rid of everyone except those whom HE HAD CHOSEN, and even they said, "this is a difficult statement, who can listen to it?"

Jesus is the bread of God who came down to give life to the world of sinners, not to rustle up a bunch of followers to bless as a result of being faithful to the local synagogues. Sometimes he needs us to be cast out of the synagogue so that we listen to Him alone....not some Rabbi.

"it is my Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven...and gives life to the world...everyone who beholds the Son and believes in Him will have eternal life, and I myself will raise him up on the last day" (John 6:33, 40)

From my study it seems that "the last day" is a reference to the final age of the New Heaven and New Earth. That age begins with everyone standing at the Great White Throne, bending the knee, and confessing Jesus as Lord. It ends with death being abolished and all raised to life. At that point, God becomes ALL in ALL. At that time shall be brought to pass the saying... "Death has been swallowed up in Victory."

For many, church is just a place to go to get stuff from God. Prayer, pats on the back, entertainment, fellowship with others, etc. You know, feel good stuff. But God is interested in saving all sinners and has not left that up to people who go to church to get stuff from God. He has FREELY GIVEN salvation to all men because he loves them, as demonstrated by the cross. That is what we are supposed to be telling people. You know, the Good News!

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