“And now apart from law hath the righteousness of God been manifested, testified to by the law and the prophets, and the righteousness of God is through THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST to all and upon all those believing, -- for there is no difference, for all did sin, and are come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:21-23 Young's Literal Translation)

It is a wonder anyone comes to know the truth with the poor translations of the Bible we have today.  They result in poor teaching.  Above is one of the few correct translations of these verses.  Note the phrase in all caps, and then check out your version.  If it says anything else it is the fabrication of men - not what the oldest Greek manuscripts read.

The righteousness of God is freely given “to all” as a result of THE FAITH OF JESUS CHRIST.  Not OUR faith in Christ Jesus.  Big, BIG difference.  In fact, it is the good news. Paul in the first three chapters of Romans has clearly shown that there is “none righteous” - neither Jew, Gentile, Christian, nor heathen.  Neither Adam, Abraham, Peter, Paul, Billy Graham, nor the Pope. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. They have NO righteousness on their own merit or free will choice.

But because of the faith of Jesus Christ in his Father…the righteousness of God is graciously and freely given "TO ALL" and it is applied “UPON ALL” when they actually have faith in God like Jesus did.

“…being declared righteous FREELY BY HIS GRACE through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God did set forth a mercy seat, through the faith in his blood, for the showing forth of His righteousness, because of the passing over of the bygone sins in the forbearance of God -- for the showing forth of His righteousness in the present time, for His being righteous, and declaring him righteous who is of the faith OF Jesus.” (Romans 3:24-26 YLT)

We get faith like Jesus had only when God gives it to us.  A few folks in this life, and ALL in the next. People become AWARE of their salvation and righteousness when God, by His GRACE, gives them the faith to believe. For most, this faith will not occur until after the resurrection.  At that time the righteousness of God will be “upon ALL” because ALL will then believe....and ALL will then be reconciled to God…. and God will be "All in All".

“For by grace ye are having been saved, through faith, and this not of you -- of God the gift, not of works, that no one may boast” (Ephesians 2:8-9 YLT)

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