"For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds" (2 Corinthians 11:13-14)

OK, I am mad now so I better hurry up and write this post because my mad only lasts about 20 minutes. I really try to hold back my anger....but when I read one of these "angels of light" lecture on how God must eternally torment people in hell because God is "absolute moral perfection"... well my blood boils because I know they are deceiving people I love and care about. 

Joe Blow from down under is one of those (name changed so not to offend some friends). He says that Hell is the just result of God's "absolute moral perfection"... REALLY? To be "Just" and absolutely “morally perfect" is to torture your enemies forever with unquenchable fire. Something far worse than Hitler ever did, and he was one of the worst mass murderer of all time. 

Sending anyone to such a place would be the equivalent of "absolute moral evil". Joe Blow, or Satan, whatever your name is, God "loves His enemies"... you included...and everyone else in the world...because God IS love.

These folks claim to be "called" to ministry and are assumed to be the messengers of God when they actually work for Satan posing themselves as messengers of God. They demand the keeping of the 10 Commandments while themselves violating the first 2 commandments by creating a god of their own making.

Think people....Joe Blow's "absolutely moral god" would eternally separate from himself a 12 year old who died in a car wreck before "being saved" if he had reached the unbiblical so called "age of accountability". And then this god would supernaturally keep that 12 year old kid alive to torture him or her for all eternity, just as they say he will do to Hitler. 

Come on man...that is sick! And few seem to call them out on it and expose them as Satan's "angels of light".

The true God, as revealed in the bible, says clearly what happens to sinners - we die.  You, me, the 12 year old, Hitler, and those messengers of Satan all will DIE as the result of sin. And God tells us what happens next..."the free gift of eternal life".

"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23)

NO, NO, NO they say, "that makes salvation cheap". Excuse me, did you think I said "cheap"? NO, NO, NO, it is FREE!

That is MERCY....that is GRACE...that is LOVE...that is the Devine character of the one and only true GOD of the Bible!

God loves the world...and He does graciously chastens and eventually puts sinners to death for their sin...but He also sent Jesus to die for sinners, even those who teach the perverted doctrinal sin of Hell - which proves He loves even self-righteous Pharisees.

Jesus, "who knew no sin became sin on our behalf, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." ..."and Jesus prayed "Father forgive them"...which He has!

Millions are led away from the very God they gather to profess and worship by those who run the churches, synagogues and mosques of the world, many of whom are Satan's "angels of light".  All of those places of worship have those who teach the eternal conscious torment for infidels/unbelievers. They are ALL "deceitful workers".

It is truly AMAZING GRACE for God to love them anyway..and He wants me to love them too. 

I really try because Jesus loves them and died for them but it is difficult. It is not hard, however, for me to love the people who go to church, synagogue or mosque for worship and are the ones deceived. They need truth and deliverance which the Bible has provided for me....so I keep posting my random thoughts.

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