What about conflicting English translations of the Bible? Sincere teachers of the Bible should point out that there is a difference of opinion with regard to the translation of the oldest Greek manuscripts. Here is an example:

Matthew 25:46 King James Version

"And these will go away into everlasting (aionios) punishment (kolasis), but the righteous into eternal (aionios) life."

This verse is most frequently quoted to me to defend the false doctrine of eternal conscious torment in hell. The verse is translated by Young's Literal Translation as follows:

“And these shall go away to punishment (kolasis) age-during (aionios), but the righteous to life age-during.”

This reflects the true meaning of this verse, as originally inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it does not introduce any contradiction to Paul’s later revelation of the eventual Salvation and Reconciliation of ALL.

And when the context in which Jesus was speaking is examined it becomes clear that he is not referring to the eternal destiny of anyone…but is telling Jews where Jews would be during the Kingdom age that Messiah Jesus will establish on the present earth. An age with a definite beginning and end in which Israel would once again be the “head and not the tail” according to Moses (Deuteronomy 28:13). 

Jews who have believed God down through the centuries will be resurrected to live during that AGE and reign with Messiah, and those who do not believe will be punished by not being raised until AFTER that age is over. And by the way the Bible clearly tells us the length of the KINGDOM AGE…1000 years.

“…they did live and reign with Christ the thousand years…they shall be priests of God and of the Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years." (Revelation 20:4-6)

Sometimes I wonder if some bible teachers have even read through the Bible.

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