Is God really Omniscient, Omnipresent and Omnipotent? Is God’s love and mercy infinite? Is God sovereign over ALL?

Both Muslims and Christians express that He is but their “theology” does not always fit their expressed faith.

From my vantage point it is because most Christians and Muslims depend solely on their religious leaders to tell them what the Bible or Koran says.

Tell me honestly, is your doctrinal views based on your personal reading and meditating on the Bible…or on what someone has told you about the Bible. Depending on how you answer that you will know whether you are trusting in the “word of men” or in “the Word of God”.

Don’t misunderstand me, it is OK and common to trust the opinions of those whom you respect and trust. The problem is that sometimes even those good, sincere, well-meaning people…are wrong! When they are, how are they going to know? They themselves might not even know because they are just passing down what someone they trusted told them...for centuries.

When you can't find Scripture to back up what they say, they should be told by someone who cares about them...but do not expect a big "Thanks".

Jesus told the Jewish religious leaders - "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains.” (John 9:41)

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