The Law and the Prophets Ended With John the Baptist

 "Do not for a moment suppose that I have come to abrogate the Law or the Prophets: I have not come to abrogate them but to give them their completion.” (Matthew 5:17)

The Old Testament contains the Law and the Prophets. Whatever the Law and the Prophets said was completed when Jesus came to Earth.

“The Law and the Prophets continued until John came; from that time the Good News of the Kingdom of God has been spreading, and all classes have been forcing their way into it. (Luke 16:16)

John the Baptist was the final Prophet to Israel. The message found in the Law and the Prophets ended with John the Baptist. Jesus presented the good news message of the Kingdom of God – and all humanity started forcing their way into it. By force is meant they were opposed by the Jewish leaders who refused to believe that their God was also the God of all other nations (gentiles). The last Prophet was Paul, who was given the secrets of the Kingdom of God, one of which is that the God of the Jews in also the God of the Gentiles.

“Is God simply the God of the Jews, and not of the Gentiles also? He is certainly the God of the Gentiles also, unless you can deny that it is one and the same God who will pronounce the circumcised to be acquitted on the ground of faith, and the uncircumcised to be acquitted through the same faith. Do we then by means of this faith abolish the Law? No, indeed; we give the Law a firmer footing.” (Romans3:29-31)

Another secret revealed to Paul was that both the Jews and the Gentiles will be acquitted (pardoned), not by obedience to the Law and the Prophets, but based on their “faith” that the requirements of the Law were completed by Christ Jesus, and therefore ALL humanity will bow before Him, and affirm He is Lord, and enter and see the Kingdom of God.

“He stripped Himself of His glory, and took on Himself the nature of a bondservant by becoming a man like other men. And being recognized as truly human, He humbled Himself and even stooped to die; yes, to die on a cross. It is in consequence of this that God has also so highly exalted Him, and has conferred on Him the Name which is supreme above every other,  in order that in the Name of JESUS every knee shall bow, of beings in Heaven, of those on the earth, and of those in the underworld, and that every tongue shall confess that JESUS CHRIST is LORD, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:7-11)

If you want to know what God is doing today, better read the Scripture written through the Apostle Paul. The era of the Law and Prophets is completed, and now we need to start focusing on the Kingdom of God. When that good news is presented everyone will force themselves through the doctrines of religious men and into the Kingdom of God.

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