The Final Solutions

"And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned to fables.” (II Timothy 4:4)

The Final Solutions of Sinful Humanity:

One: Hitler’s final solution was to eliminate the Jewish people who he believed were corrupting the world. 

Two: The final solution of institutional Christianity and Islam is to offer salvation from hell for sinners if they repent of their sin and join their religion. If anyone refuses they will die, and then be tortured in a lake of fire they call hell - forever in the Christian religion and until their sins are paid for in the religion of Islam.

The Final Solution of the God of the Bible:

God’s final solution is to ransom, save, redeem, and reconcile all sinners to Himself through the incarnation, death, entombment, and resurrection of His Son, the LORD Jesus Christ.

My anger towards institutional religion's final solution seems well founded to me. HOWEVER, I think that most members of those religions who are involved in spreading the final solution of of hell for unrepentant sinners are just doing what they have been taught by those they consider “wise men”. 

Therefore, I do not blame them although the Bible teaches they will be ashamed at the the Great White Throne when they learn they were deceived. 

"They shall be turned back, they shall be greatly ashamed, that trust in graven images, that say to the molten images, Ye [are] our gods." (Isaiah 42:17) 

"For God will bring every deed into judgment, along with every hidden thing, whether good or evil." (Ecclesiastes:12:14)

"Make every effort to present yourself approved to God, an unashamed workman who accurately handles the word of truth." (2 Timothy  2:1)

Each human who has ever lived will stand on the Dias before the Great White Throne of God to give account for the things done in our mortal bodies. During the account all humans will rejoice when mistaken beliefs are burnt up as wood, hay and straw. 

At the conclusion of the accounting, all humanity will joyfully bow and acclaim that Christ Jesus is LORD (Yahweh), which will give glory to God the Father. 

Those who were not part of the “former resurrection” will die the second death in the lake of fire which will be an instantaneous, painless second death. They will die having faith, as I do now, that they will be made alive and transformed into a spiritual body that is immortal and capable of entering and seeing the Kingdom of God (The New Heaven and New Earth). That second death will seem to them to occur instantaneously, just as the “former resurrection will seem to those believers  now sleeping in death to have happened instantaneously.

The Bible makes it clear to me that God is in the process of making a new immortal humanity in the image of Christ Jesus. Their eternal citizenship will be in the New Heaven and New Earth, also known as the Kingdom of God.

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