You Only Live Twice
“What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” (James 4:14) One of the most successful TV commercials of all time says ''You only go around once in life, so you have to grab for all the gusto you can get!” That is a suitable moto for both the believer and unbeliever. God has given that life, so you might as well live it to its fullest potential. Nevertheless the truth of the Scripture is more in line with the title of the 1967 James Bond movie “You Only Live Twice”. All people will live twice. Once as a mortal where we experience the difference between good and evil and then die and give God an accounting as to how we lived it. I am convinced that perfect attendance in Church won’t count for much. I think that what will matter to God is whether you left this “present evil age” (Galatians 1:4) a little better just because you lived in it. “So then each one of us will give an account of himself to God…For the Son of Man is goin...