Politics and God

OK all you Christians...here is what this Christian has learned from the Bible about Politics.  No amount of ranting and raving about how godly or ungodly a candidate is will get him elected or defeated. And no amount of prayer for my guy will do so either. Whomever is elected will assume that post because God has determined to put him there.

“…the Most High is sovereign over all kingdoms on earth and gives them to anyone he wishes… for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” (Daniel 4:17; Romans 13:1)

OK God, I get it.  And one more thing, ranting and raving against President Obama, who God put in that position, will not change anything, and you will not receive a reward for doing so...but you may lose a star or two in your crown.  You may not agree with his policies, that is OK, but show a little respect for the President of the United States.  After all God voted for him and “established” him in that position, assuming you read the Bible and believe it.

Sure, we are free to vote for whomever we like - and today it would either be Trump, Cruz, Rubio or Carson for me - however, whomever is finally elected (even Hillary or Bernie) will have my respect as President, just like President Obama has it now…I hear the weeping and gnashing of teeth. J

When I start to rant and rave, or hear it from others, I begin to wonder whether the god we are following is really named Glenn Beck, or Rush Limbaugh, or Mark Levin or Charles Krauthammer, etc.

And then I mellow out because deep down in my Spirit, I really do trust God to know what He is doing….and I find peace!

Just writing my random thoughts...feel free to write your own - elsewhere J

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