Scriptures About Hell - Not What You Think

The Hebrew word Sheol, and the Greek words Hades, Gehenna and Tartarus (each translated “hell” or “hades” in most English versions of the Bible) do not refer to a place of eternal conscious torment called hell.

What about Luke 16:19-31 - the rich man and Lazarus? 

That is a parable spoken by Jesus in a series of parables beginning in Luke 14:7. Jesus was addressing the Sopherim (Scribes), Pharisees and Sadducees - religious leaders of the Jewish people similar to modern day Christian pastors, evangelists, and teachers. Jesus told His disciples that He spoke to them in parables because these religious leaders had not been “granted to know the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven”

The “Kingdom” He was referring to is the Kingdom of Israel that God has promised to reestablished by the Messiah on the earth. These religious leaders rejected Jesus as the Messiah of Israel. So, Jesus spoke to them in parables about what would happen to Israel because of their rejection. 

The rich man represents the apostate religious leaders of Israel, as did the prodigal son in Chapter 15. Because of their apostasy the nation of Israel would be scattered among the nations and suffer much torment.  Historical examples include the Christian and Muslim Crusades, the Pogroms of Russia and the Holocaust of Germany.  And the worst suffering is still future, the suffering under the final world leader - referred to as a wild beast (the Antichrist) in Revelation. Jesus told the apostate leaders that they would not understand even if one came back from the dead to tell them, which Jesus did, and was again rejected as shown in the book of Acts. 

Attributing this parable to a literal hell where unsaved people are tormented forever and ever is blasphemy against the holy spirit of truth and it will not be pardoned in this age or in the Kingdom age. 

What about Revelation 14:11 - the fate of those who worship the wild beast? 

Revelation is wholly concerned with the final seven years of this age. 
During the last 3 ½ years the world will embrace a world leader who will be a false Messiah - the wild beast (Antichrist). During that time the world will undergo the most severe tribulation ever to come upon the earth, so much so that Jesus said “except those days were discounted, no flesh at all would be saved.” (Matthew 24:22)

All those who follow the false Messiah will be tormented during this period and be killed either during their torment, or at the return of Jesus. The “smoke” (remembrance) of this torment will not be forgotten in the ages to follow. 

Again, to say this is describing a literal hell where individuals are supernaturally kept alive by God to be tormented forever and ever is blasphemy against the holy spirit of truth and will not be forgiven in this age or in the ages to come.

What about Matthew 25:46 - the fate of the goat nations after Jesus returns? 

When Jesus returns to establish the kingdom of Israel on the earth He will divide the nations of that era into two groups, one group are those nations who helped the faithful people of Israel during the Tribulation and the other group are those nations who did not. The nations who helped would continue as a nation during the kingdom Age, but those nations who did not would experience “chastening” during that age. The relevant Greek phrase properly translated into English is “chastening eonian”, not “eternal punishment”

Again, attributing the chastening of those goat nations to a teaching of a literal hell where individuals are tormented forever and ever is blasphemy against the holy spirit, and will not be pardoned in the age or in the ages to come. 

What about 2 Peter 3:7-9 - the day of destruction of irreverent men? 

Peter is reminding his Jewish readers that this earth and the heavens above are to be destroyed by fire, which will finally put an end to all “irreverent men”. Almost six-thousand years of these irreverent men have passed without that fiery destruction. Yet God is not procrastinating, for "one day is with the Lord as a thousand years"

He tells them that God is "patient" with “irreverent men”, and He is “not intending any to perish, but all to make room for repentance”

To “perish” means to die and stay dead. Even “irreverent humans” will be made alive after the earth and heavens are destroyed at the end of the one thousand-year age (the Millennium) which follows the present age. God will raise the dead (there will not perish/stay dead), judge them and create a new place for them to live - “a new heaven and a new earth" where all will be righteous, none will be "irreverent" 

Again, attributing a literal hell where individuals are tormented forever and ever to the word “perish” is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and will not be pardoned in the age or in the ages to come. 

Building upon the sure "foundation" of Christ Jesus with the false teaching is blasphemy against the holy spirit inspired truth. Such blasphemy will not be forgiven me or anyone else - it will be burnt up. Yet in the grace of God, even those who blaspheme will still be saved, only the teaching of these irreverent humans will NOT be forgiven in this age or the next - its will be reduced to ash in the fire.

"For other foundation can no one lay beside that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if anyone is building on this foundation gold and silver, precious stones, wood, grass, straw, each one's work will become apparent, for the day will make it evident, for it is being revealed by fire. And the fire, it will be testing each one's work -- what kind it is. If anyone's work will be remaining which he builds on it, he will get wages. If anyone's work shall be burned up, he will forfeit it, yet he shall be saved, yet thus, as through fire." (1 Corinthians 3:11-15)

"Every sin and blasphemy shall be pardoned men, yet the blasphemy of the holy spirit shall not be pardoned. And whosoever may be saying a word against the Son of Humanity, it will be pardoned him, yet whoever may be saying aught against the holy spirit, it shall NOT be pardoned him, neither in this age nor in that which is impending." (Matthew 12:32) 

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