All In Asia Turned Away

The Apostle Paul wrote in his last letter to Timothy…

“Of this you are aware, that all those in the province of Asia were turned from me…now you fully follow me in my teaching…for the era will be when they will not tolerate sound teaching…they will be turning their hearing away from the truth, yet will be turned aside to myths.” (2 Timothy 1:15; 3:10; 4:3-4 CLNT)

That “era” began in Paul's lifetime when “all” those in Asia had been "turned from" his teaching. This “era” has now lasted over 1900 years and not only has the vast majority turned "their hearing away from the truth", most have never even heard the truth that Paul was teaching.  It is indeed miraculous that anyone is left today who has not been “turned aside to myths”.

Paul told Timothy that "all Scripture" is beneficial to teach.  But the teacher should be “correctly cutting the word of truth” into what belongs to Israel and what belongs to the Body of Christ.  Recognizing the difference is the only way to "have a pattern of sound words" that will make the teacher “an unashamed worker”.

“Have a pattern of sound words which you hear from me...endeavor to present yourself to God qualified, an unashamed worker, correctly cutting the word of truth…all Scripture is inspired by God, and is beneficial...” (2 Timothy 1:13; 2:15 ;3:16 CLNT)

About 15 years ago, I noticed that almost all preaching in the church I attended revolved around the four gospels, especially the book of John. Very few sermons from the books written by the Apostle Paul. I began to wonder if there was a significant difference between what the Apostles Peter, James and John preached to Israel and what the Apostle Paul preached to the gentile nations. So I began to study closely Paul’s writings and found the difference. There were “Circumcision” writings “for the Circumcision” (Israel) committed to Peter and “Uncircumcision" writings “for the Uncircumcision” (the Body of Christ) committed to Paul. 

“…perceiving that I have been entrusted with the evangel of the Uncircumcision, according as Peter of the Circumcision…James and Peter and John, who were suppose to be pillars, give to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we, indeed, are to be for the nations, yet they for the Circumcision.” (Galatians 2:7-10)

I had never been taught the difference in church and I bet you have not either, most likely because the teachers are not "correctly cutting the word of truth". Knowing the difference is so important that it is impossible to avoid "being turned aside to myths" without knowing the difference between the teaching of Peter for the Circumcision and Paul for the Uncircumcision. Following is a link to more details in case your interested.

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