Rahab's House Of Ill Repute

“Then Joshua secretly sent out two spies from the Israelite camp at Acacia Grove. He instructed them, Scout out the land on the other side of the Jordan River, especially around Jericho. So the two men set out and came to the house of a prostitute named Rahab and stayed there that night.” (Joshua 2:1)

Ok, did you notice that the first place the two spies go to in Jericho is the local Brothel where they are introduced to Rahab the prostitute.  I can hear the Church fathers weeping and gnashing their teeth – sorry, but that is what the Bible says.

Rahab had heard about the God of Israel, believed and feared what she heard, and so she helped the two Israelite spies get away from the King of Jericho.  Nothing says she changed her profession and I doubt she did. And, as payment for her varied services, she is saved when Israel comes to destroy Jericho.  And later she hooks up with a good old Jew named Salmon and they have a son named Boaz, the great, great grandfather of King David.

And one more thing, about a thousand years later, Rahab's and King David's great, great, great, great, great....grandson Jesus is born to save you, me and the whole world!

Three cheers for Rahab the Harlot!

You just can't make this stuff up...I just love God and His Bible!

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