Syrian Refugees - My Random Thoughts

First of all the idea that we should take them in because we are a Christian nation is absurd. My observation of Christians or Muslims is they will rarely help the poor in their own town. They will go all over the world to tell them what they think they have to do to be saved, and kill them if they refuse, or threaten them with eternal torture, but most likely will help them with little, if any, physical needs whether they join them or not. And even if they do help, it is temporary...a bandaid on the problem...not a long term solution like a job. That is up to the entrepreneurs of the world who start businesses which create jobs for those who want to work so they and their families can eat.

Jesus had the power to heal everyone, but he refused. He had the power to meet the financial needs of all the poor, but he refused. He had the power to create enough jobs for all, but he refused. He didn't come to feed the poor, take in refugees, form a church or start a business. He came to demonstrate that however bad it gets in this life, even dying, it is not the end for anyone. God will resurrect the dead, all of them, and change them to immortals. No poor, no dying, no refugees with terrorists hiding among them, no Muslims or Christians...just immortals with abundant eternal life.

So the Syrian refugees are God's problem, not ours, and He will give them eternal life so they can't complain. But they could be a threat to our families now, in this present evil age, so I don't want them here. I am all for aiding the poor in our country, and I am for helping to set up safe zones for the refugees in areas close to where they are from, and I am for individuals adopting orphaned poor children if they have a heart to do so....and I am for telling the whole world the gospel as I set it out above (which is not being done by religious institutions) so they can have hope...but we have no business assuming the financial liability of bringing 10,000 Syrian refugees to the USA when we Christians have managed to be a part of accumulating a 19 Trillion dollar debt to saddle our children's future with.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world... My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going (death).”(John 16:23; John 14:2-4)

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